Breakfast Club

General English

Breakfast Club

5 hours per week

7.30am – 8.30am, Mon - Fri


For busy professionals who want to give time to their English but are too busy, we have the Breakfast Club. The Breakfast Club is an hour of very intense English early in the morning. This is a task-based English course, which builds your language day by day, allowing you the time to work.

The Breakfast Club incorporates all the skills, reading, writing, spoken interaction, spoken production as well as extensive grammar practice.

This course is designed to give you a daily diet of language to think about as you go through your day.

The breakfast club gives you communication power, in an hour!

…a perfect start to your day

Here are our great prices below.

Code 1 week 2 weeks 3 weeks 4 weeks 5+ weeks
EHBC5 €45 €90 €135 €160 €40pw

Because the course is only for one hour every day, we make sure it is a very intense hour indeed!


The key to the breakfast club is the intensity and speed at which we learn. We guarantee that you will find the breakfast club both challenging and rewarding. It will complement your life as a worker and as an English speaker!

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